When should you replace your windows? 5 signs it’s time.

Are you noticing that your windows are getting foggy? Have your utility bills recently spiked? If so, your windows might require an update. If you’re wondering when to replace windows, just keep reading. We’ll tell you five signs that it’s time for new windows and how to make that replacement process as smooth as possible.
When To Replace Windows
As your property ages, so does everything that comes with it. From floorboards to roof shingles to the air conditioner, you’ll find yourself updating many things around the house over time. The same goes for windows.
Typically, windows have a lifespan of a few decades, but there are some tell-tale signs to let you know your windows have seen better days.
5 Signs That Your Windows Need Replacing
Do you know when to replace windows? We’ll break down some top signs that you should update your windows.
1. You Can Feel a Draft
Do you feel a draft in your home? This can be a major issue. A draft can mean that the air you’re paying to condition is seeping out of the house, and untreated air — either hot and humid in the summer, or freezing cold in the winter — is making its way in. This can be highly uncomfortable to live in.
Plus, since outside air is sneaking into your house, your HVAC system has to work harder to keep the inside of the home at the temperature you set.
Check your home for drafts by closing your window, locking it, and holding your hand where the window meets the frame. If you feel air coming in, that’s a draft.
2. Your Energy Bill Has Gone Up (With No Explanation)
Several factors can cause your electricity bills to increase, but if you notice a significant change and there’s no clear explanation, your windows might be to blame.
As mentioned above, drafts cause temperature-controlled air from inside the house to escape to the outside. To regulate the temperature it’s set at, your HVAC system has to work extra hard, which will drive your energy bill up. The extra workload can also shorten the life of your HVAC system.
Another reason your energy bill could be creeping up is that you have outdated single-pane windows that are deteriorating and lack proper insulation. Replace your old windows with new, energy-efficient windows to help lower your bills. Energy-efficient windows will ensure that your HVAC system won’t work harder than it needs to.
3. Your Windows Show Visible Damage
Visible damage is probably the most obvious sign that you need to replace your windows. This can include breaks in the glass or cracked or decaying frames. If a window is damaged, it’s far more likely to break completely, making your home susceptible to serious damage (water seepage, mold, mildew, insects, etc.). It also makes it significantly easier for intruders to enter the property.
If you have a damaged window, it’s important to fix it as soon as possible. It will keep your home safe and help avoid costly repairs in the future.
4. Moisture Is Forming on the Inside of Your Windows
Is condensation forming on the inside of your windows? This means your windows are leaking air, or your home is becoming more humid. If you notice moisture between the panes of your double or triple-pane windows, it’s a sign that the seal is failing.
No matter where you spot condensation on your windows, it’s a clear sign that they need to be updated.
Helpful Tip: Condensation outside your windows is normal and not a cause for concern. It simply means it’s warmer or more humid outside than inside.
5. Your Furniture Near the Windows Are Fading
Is the furniture, carpet, rugs, or decor near your windows fading? This could mean that your windows don’t offer any UV protection, and the sunlight is damaging your belongings.
Opting for modern windows featuring low-emissivity (low-E) glass treated with a microscopic film will keep UV rays and solar heat from coming through. Your furniture will stay in better shape, and your house will stay cooler.

3 Tips To Help Your Replacement Window Installation Go Smoothly
Have you decided that it’s time to replace your windows? Good for you! Here are some helpful tips so your window replacement and installation process can go off without a hitch.
1. Clear the Area Around Your Windows
The team installing your new windows will need easy access to the areas surrounding the windows. It’s best to remove all wall hangings and decor in the area. Remove blinds and draperies too, and move furniture at least three feet away, giving the installer ample space to work.
2. Secure Your Pets and Supervise Your Children
If you live in a home with pets, it’s a good idea to keep them safely secured in a private part of your home or somewhere else for the day. Installers will be coming in and out of your home and removing windows, which provides far too many opportunities for a pet to escape.
In addition, any children should be supervised and kept out of the way of the work area. Any home improvement project offers the opportunity for children to come into contact with dangerous tools and materials, and window replacement is no different.
3. Choose Top-Notch Windows
If you’re going to replace your windows, make your investment worth it and choose the best possible windows for your home. At Standard Supply & Lumber, we’re proud to provide an extensive selection of durable windows from leading brands in the industry, such as Andersen Windows and Doors, Jeld Wen Windows and Doors, MI Windows and Doors, and more.
Our window selection includes a variety of popular window styles built with superior craftsmanship. Choose from casement, picture, skylight, and single or double-hung windows for the style you’d like to see in your home. Plus, we offer a variety of materials, including aluminum, steel, composite, wood, and vinyl.
Ready To Replace Your Windows?
If it’s time for replacement windows, make sure you’re making the right investment for your home. Contact our helpful team at Standard Supply & Lumber and learn about our excellent company, products, and services. We’re happy to help you find the perfect replacement for you.